Thursday, October 02, 2008

So many Grandmas so little time

Is there really anything better than a Grandma? I don't think so, and Holden is lucky enough to have 5 of them in his life. So many in fact, that we don't have enough names for them and he has resorted to dropping the Grandma in front of their names and just going with the first name. There is nothing funnier than hearing your child call your mom from across the room; "Susan! Susan, where are you?" We both thoroughly enjoyed our time with all of the Grandmas while we were in the States.

My Mom, Grandma Susan, but now known as "SUSAN!"

Nate's Mom, known as "Nama."

My Grandma Shirley, known now as "Shirley."

Nate's Grandma Lois, known as "Gramma Gramma."

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