Friday, August 08, 2008

1st day of school

Holden started "big school" this week at ISM (International School Manila). He was so very excited!

Sporting his new uniform

"Mom, I think I like going to this new school." Before we even left our house.

Breakfast in the car will probably be a habit because school starts EARLY! Out the door by 7am. Neither Holden or I have EVER been early risers. We like to think of ourselves as "night owls."

His new class seems to be pretty multi-cultured, his teacher is a real sweetheart and the facilities are brand new and fantastic. Holden is most excited for the playground and the library. Libraries are new concept to him since there isn't a proper one in Manila. We spent an hour there after school today already and thank goodness between the 3 of us we are able to check out 13 books at a time. The bookstores sure will miss us!

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