Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Yet another shocking moment in the Phils

"Super car coming to the rescue"
I have written about Holden's gymboree class in the past. It wasn't great, in fact it was basically a waste of time and money. But, of course, we had already paid for a year membership! After a month of the "gym play" class, we decided to try our hand at one of the other classes they offer. We opted for art class. Art class is good!

Holden wakes up in the mornings and comes scurrying into the bedroom asking if today is the day we get to go to art class. He is usually one of two kids in the class if not the only one there. It doesn't help with social interaction with other children, but at least it's a good teacher to student ratio!!!
Here is what we ran into the past Sunday at class. Pictured from left to right: Holden, the teacher, the Prince (as Nate call him) and his yaya.

I'm not sure which part is more ridiculous, that the child has a bottle, that the yaya is holding his bottle for him or that the yaya is doing his art project for him. Hmm, "D" all of the above! The best part? His mom came to pick them up and as we are all chatting we come to find out that "the Prince" is one day older than Holden. I have to say though, that his art projects are really good! Maybe we should send Holden with the yaya to help in art class next week.

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