Monday, January 22, 2007

The World's ocean-going passenger ship

Have you ever been to a floating book fair? Yeah, me neither until this weekend when we ventured out again into the wide world of Manila. This time to the docks, to see none other than the world's largest floating book fair in the world. Yes, the Doulos not only the world's oldest ocean-going passenger ship still active but it is also just 2 years younger than the Titanic! Now, for the worlds largest floating book fair, you would, that must be huge, because when you hear "worlds largest" you think LARGE. Really, we should have known better since there probably aren't any other floating book fairs, anywhere. Technically the Doulos could be floating around with 100 books and still be the largest. We drive, and drive and drive and walk and walk and walk in the HOT HOT sun, we wait in line, we pay out PHP 10 to get on the boat, and there is literally one room of books. One very crowded room of bibles and childrens books with a few scatterings of do-it-yourself home books and dictionarys.

The doulos does some great service projects in the regions they visit, the entire staff is made of volunteers from all over the world and the boat was great. The book fair though, we could have done without that part! We left with a blow up beach ball of the world, 8 childrens books and one English-French dictionary. Yes, I am sure we could have bought it all in one of the many luxurious airconditioned malls close to home, but we did not drive, walk, wait and burn all that way for nothing, we were going to buy something!

1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

you are a real trooper Melissa!!! you go girl...