Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It's Holden...er...HolBen

It's all happening too fast. Holden is growing and learning so fast! This is what he wrote tonight.
Here are a few things that are happening in his little world right now.

He has taken on the huge responsibility of being a fish owner. After what happened to the D-O-G we figured it was best to start over with something easily replaceable. Fish seemed like a reasonable solution. We are going on 3 weeks and all three are still alive, no replacements called upon yet! They are pink and they live in a beautiful bowl on the side of his bed with pink rocks of course. Better yet, their names are Ho Chi and Minh, that's right, our child is now Asian thinking. Better yet, the fish have the last name of Jeepney. What, you didn't know that fish need last names? How else would you look them up in the phone book?

Holden is very busy swimming. He says; "Dad, lets go swimmin with women!" and off they head to the pool. He rarely uses any kind of flotation device and manages to stay above water most of the time. Very brave, in fact, too brave for our comfort!
Favorite Color: Still pink.

Favorite thing to do: play board games, art, swim, and of course watch movies

Favorite foods: CHEESE sandwich (Tyler...Nicole, I am blaming you!), strawberries and edamame.

Favorite thing to talk about: "my friends back in Utah."

Favorite thing about Manila: "all the huge tall buildings."

What he is looking forward to: Nama coming to visit.

Favorite books: Green Eggs and Ham, Berenstain Bears, You are Special

Favorite new toy: harmonica and guitar. We have our own family band, we are good! haha

Person he talks about the most: Grandpa Stromberg.

Can't get him out of: the bathtub

Number of excuses each night at bedtime: 8
Thing he does everyday, besides eat cheese sandwiches, and wants all of our guests to participate in: push-ups and Yoga for kids

People he always is asking about: Grandma Susan and Grandma Shirley and Nodie.

Constant companions: Barkley and Barkley 2 (stuffed dogs)

Favorite thing for Mommy to do: sing songs that Grandma Susan used to sing to her.

Favorite thing for Daddy to do: Be a horsey and roughhouse and play superheros!

Cutest thing he does here: speak Tagalog. Every where we go: Salmat Po, Ingat. Basically, thank you, take care.

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