Wednesday, September 08, 2010

And here we have Idaho, winning her way to fame


Jocelyn said...

Just a little jealous....and sad.

Alysia Cook said...

SO, SO, SO GLAD I got to see you there!!!! Next time stay at my house okay so I can have a conversation with you. Love you!!!

Christine Williams said...

Melissa! It was so awesome to see you!! I wish I hadn't been so busy and I would have taken a break to come visit! I was doing our friends a favor by coming in to help, so I didn't want to be rude and ditch them. And I totally messed up your ice cream order! How hard is that to do???!!! When I'm doing the math in my head of how long it has been since I have seen you . . . hard enough, I suppose! :) Hope you had a wonderful trip. We just moved back to Blackfoot, so the next time you come PLEASE let me know. I would really love to catch up! (since I don't do the blog thing anymore).